Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly Update No. III

Why hello again. Here to hear my rabbles once again of the week? Good, because that's why I got on my computer to do this.
Question Number 1: What tasks have you completed recently? It's funny, actually; this question is the reason this blog is being done a day late, and haven't I a story to tell.  I cannot quite recall all the way back to the beginning of the week, but I suppose that is really just because I do not really want to.  Though, that does not exempt my ability to answer this question.  I had been looking forward to Friday (11.2.12) since last Friday.  We had been hoping to have a band practice last weekend, I believe, but were unable to bring it to happening.  Needless to say, we re-planned for yesterday.  Though a guitarist was unable to join us for our first official practice, we still carried out, just the three of us (THE guitarist, the drummer, and myself).  After we got to my house, my friend Anthony (the guitarist) started messing with stuff to make a lava-lamp (how dedicated) and my friend Ashley (the drummer) and myself continued on to the garage to set up the drums.  This is where the endeavors of the night really began. I removed the bass drum from the spot we had it at and Ashley said she wanted to dust the drums down to keep them clean, given they had been sitting for a while and a thin layer of dust was beginning to gather on them.  As we were doing that, she noticed that the bass drum didn't sound quite right, and she said we should take a few of the pillows out of it, so I went to get the key to take the face of it off.  After we got it loosened and taken off, this is what we found. . .

I hope we aren't the only ones to get a kick out of that.  Anyway, we had our fun with it, discovered it had a hole in the back side (which Ashley preceded to make very suggestive. . . implications with.  Then we stuffed it back in the drum, put the face back on, re-tuned it and finished setting them up.  After everything was set up and everyone was in the garage, we put on some music and just tried to get a beat to something, until we were called in for dinner.  All I will say about that is for such a tiny person, Ashley can eat a lot.

Proceeding onwards into the night, the distortion pedal I was using went out, so I collected some money from me mutter and we ventured out into the night to Walgreens to get a replacement 9V battery.  After I paid for it, I lost the two numb-nuts I call my band somewhere in the store, so I had to go find them.   Once I did find them, I had to chase them around the store a few times before I got them to leave with me.  But it was fun.  This, dear reader, is where the fun really began.  Before I go on, let me explain the layout of  my truck;  It's a three-door, five-seater, essentially; one door on the driver's side, two doors on the passenger's side, where the back door has to be opened after the front.  there are three seats in the front; the drivers', the right-hand passenger, and a middle seat passenger, (which is usually referred to as the "bitch seat," excuse the language,) and the two seats in the rear.  Now to the details of our little misadventure; on the way to the Walgreens, Ashley sat up front in the middle seat, and Anthony sat in the front passenger with me driving.  Now, on our way from Walgreens, Ashley jumped in the back, after not hearing us say about four or five times, "I thought you were going to sit up front?"  A short discussion ensued afterwards winding up in her laying down in the back seat and the thought implanted in my mind of break-checks. (/me evil snicker.) To make a long story short, I wound up driving around the block a few times, and into the Lows parkinglot break-checking about and running over the speed-bumps, and making sharp turns, tossing my drummer about the back seat, leaving her very clearly disoriented by the time I had decided to return home. (^.^)<---smiley face.  Ah, what else is there to say about my night. . .

Let's see. . . there was a three-man mosh pit between us to the song Bounce, by System of a Down, and we all danced about the garage like idiots, and ran around the neighborhood, spinning in circles with our heads back.  All-in-all, it was a fun night.  When we actually got back to the instruments, we actually made a bit of progress, starting up  the beginning to a song so that we've got something to play.  In the conclusion of all of this, when we were taking Ashley home, I asked my mother if she could hear us through the walls and her response was "I was waiting for the neighbors to come knocking."  When I asked her if we sounded any good, her response was, essentially, "No comment."  That was when I turned to the guys and said "So guys. . . we sound like shit."  But that essentially concludes that story, so I'm going to move on to the next question to try to get this done.

Question Number 2: What have you learned recently?  I learned that my walls are not as thick as I hoped they'd be, I should expect complaints during one of our practices, and books have a whole lot of meanings behind them I am sure weren't an original intention of the author, though as debatable as some can be, I wouldn't doubt if the controversy of some statements was intended, but meanings behind other things, I am not as sure.

Question Number 3:  What are you planning on doing next?  Well, like the last time I answered this question, it all really depends on the context.  With the band, I'm just hoping we can have practices more often or meetings in the least, and it looks like we'll be changing our name.  With school, I'm still just hoping I'll pass all of my classes this semester, and be able to graduate on time.  Otherwise I don't really know how to answer this question.

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