Saturday, October 6, 2012

System Update...Done! (Sep. 19 Nat. Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day)

O, where to begin...
Perhaps to start with the skin!

Joe the Bard says:
"The skin is the outside barrier of all scurvy dogs, land lubbers and ocean sailors all alike.  And aye, there be not one, not two but three layers o' skin, crafted and finely tuned to bear the burden of a thousand crashing and thunderous waves upon ye, perfectly sealed to keep the daemons o' the sea from invadin' yer sour and sea-pickl'd body.  It's outermost layer be crafted genuinely to protect ye from many kinds o damage like the crashin' splinters o' a fallen mast, broke down from yonder Kraken, risen from the sea to steal yer life from ye.  Or to protect ye from the most potent ale in The Loose Goose that'll rot ye through if ye ain't be careful enough.  Aye, and afore I forget, it protects yer innards from the scaldin' burns o' the most wicked sun, and keeps yer crew supplied with the vitamin D."


  1. You sell yourself far too short. Extremely informative and a wonderful read...I started humming a "Pirate's Life for Me" while I read.
