Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book? Aye, the book...

For our anatomy class, we are required to read a book related to science. . . but not just any science!  Yeah, actually, just any science.  However, the book had to relate back to the way that that science was used somehow in history or relates to something somehow-or-other to real life. In other words; it has to be nonfiction.  The book I chose to read for this assignment was The Poisoner's Handbook by Deborah Bloom.  (Image of the cover.)  Anywhoo, this particular book, as one could absolutely never ever possibly assume from the title, was about a New York commissioner and how he helps clean up the crooked ways of New York's police and medical examiners, helping solve cases that were long believed to be cut cold turkey.  It shows the advancements into modern-like technology, and how murderers who used things like wood alcohol and chloroform to take their victims, and no man thought that finding these things in a body, in any trace, would be possible.  (But it is, so don't go about killing people with these things.  Try something a little more subtle...)  Anyway, for me, it's fairly hard to get into this book, much like the last book I chose to read for my chemistry class.  I just never find nonfiction books all too interesting.  It is interesting the way that the story is put together into a story, but it just doesn't keep my attention for very long.  I often find myself falling half asleep when I do read it, and it's nearly torture in class when we read for "Bell Work."


  1. I like how when i'm reading this i can see your personality come out! It makes it fun to read and my question is why dont you pick another book?? or do nonfiction books in general just not catch your eye?

    1. Thanks, you should have seen my blogs for chemistry. I probably would have chosen another book by now if nonfiction books didn't bore me to all hell. I've only read one nonfiction that didn't bore me at all and it was about a boy that survives the Nazi death camps. Otherwise, nonfiction books do just bore me in general. I think, for me, a fictional book/novel is just more appealing because it's really more of what could be; what is limited only by the imagination, where as a nonfiction is what HAS happened. In essence, it's really what has versus what is plausible (to some extent).
