Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekly Update. . . IIX

Question 1) What have you done recently?  Oddly enough, I can actually answer this one whole-heartedly this time.  Last week, as we all know, I took the SAT last Saturday, and this morning, I forced myself out of a dreary haze to shower, eat, and then go to my school at 8 a.m. to take the ACT.  Which I probably bombed. I added two more parts to an ongoing story on my dA account [link] (feel free to browse), and a picture that I messed around with on Photoshop, which, surprisingly, isn't as popular as I thought it would be.  Oh, yeah, and I've been doing scholarships. (For anyone who has read any of these updates should have the general knowledge of how much I loath that, and if not [link] there you go. )

Question 2) What have you learned recently?  I have learned that I may probably not be the best influence when it comes down to certain. . . thingsss. . . but that's a whole other story.  One that will likely never be shared in good company.  So drop it.  Seriously.  I have recently come to learn to appreciate how much I will love not having to do a single thing my mother commands of me once I turn eighteen, (and god, how I await that day), and I learned in the past week or so that my band may or may not be getting another guitarist (which will change the lineup a bit, so we only have the two), and possibly a singer who can hopefully gore/grunge, whateverthehell you would like to call it.  Also, we're probably going to be somewhere around the heavy metal/ american heavy metal genre (bands like Slipknot and Lamb Of God).  Truly inspirational, truly.

Question 3)  What are you planning on next?  Killing myself if this goes on for much longer.

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