Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekly Update. . . IIX

Question 1) What have you done recently?  Oddly enough, I can actually answer this one whole-heartedly this time.  Last week, as we all know, I took the SAT last Saturday, and this morning, I forced myself out of a dreary haze to shower, eat, and then go to my school at 8 a.m. to take the ACT.  Which I probably bombed. I added two more parts to an ongoing story on my dA account [link] (feel free to browse), and a picture that I messed around with on Photoshop, which, surprisingly, isn't as popular as I thought it would be.  Oh, yeah, and I've been doing scholarships. (For anyone who has read any of these updates should have the general knowledge of how much I loath that, and if not [link] there you go. )

Question 2) What have you learned recently?  I have learned that I may probably not be the best influence when it comes down to certain. . . thingsss. . . but that's a whole other story.  One that will likely never be shared in good company.  So drop it.  Seriously.  I have recently come to learn to appreciate how much I will love not having to do a single thing my mother commands of me once I turn eighteen, (and god, how I await that day), and I learned in the past week or so that my band may or may not be getting another guitarist (which will change the lineup a bit, so we only have the two), and possibly a singer who can hopefully gore/grunge, whateverthehell you would like to call it.  Also, we're probably going to be somewhere around the heavy metal/ american heavy metal genre (bands like Slipknot and Lamb Of God).  Truly inspirational, truly.

Question 3)  What are you planning on next?  Killing myself if this goes on for much longer.

Monday, December 3, 2012

You Mean That Tingly Feeling I Get When I'm Overworked Is That Thing You Call Stress?

Yeah, unfortunately it is.  I know my mom experiences a lot of it with bills and what not, and all I can do is say "Mom. . . Chill out." Like, seriously.  Anyway, today I'm supposed to explain the difference between long and short term stress. Long term stress, I think one could easily correlate to having a boyfriend/girlfriend or significant other for a prolonged period of time; you get on each other's nerves, but still tell people "yeah, I still love him/her," when we all know the little grey hairs poking out are going to be re-dyed soon enough, and the next time we see you, we'll all be like "There's something different about you, but I can't quite put my finger on it. . ." (Hair colour is a completely different colour).  Whereas those are the long term aspects in a nutshell that I am certain anyone could relate to, directly through experience, or indirectly through movies, or having a friend or family member that tells you everything about it over the phone while you sit there on the other side pretending to listen going: "uh-huh. . . oh, yeah, that's interesting. . ." and the short term stresses are like sitting down, getting ready to type your blog and thinking to yourself: "I could totally go for a pb&j right now," and then getting up to go make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I like mine with steak. And chicken. Hold the peanut butter. . . or the jelly. . . I call it a steak-and-chicken sandwich.  However, I could always go for a goodole fashioned manwich.

I'm also supposed to explain what I decided to do for my own stress relief.  Now, this just comes down to what kind of stress you're talking about.  School stress, I just ignore my homework and tell myself I'll get it done later, (which has resulted in me often not caring whether or not something gets done because if it doesn't, it'll only lead to more stress, so just not caring is the simplest solution), with stuff like the band, I just chill out because I know I've waited this long for it to get this far, so waiting is just about all I can do on that note.  Hrmnerm. . . Relationship stress, I can usually just talk to someone or just throw my phone across the house and forget it there to go watch the British Top Gear. But I haven't had to do that since January (can I get a hoo-rah!).  I think that's about all there is to cover.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

System Update. . . VII?

Okay, I lost count of what week I was on, so what? And I forgot to do last weeks, so aside from being far from able to make that one up, I'm gonna just keep trollolo-ing along.
Q1) What have you completed recently?  I know this question is often a laugh for be, but every time I see it, it gets me thinking.  And I hate that about it.  There's just too much on my to-do list that I want to do and on the to-do list of things that I have to do, regardless, but that I put off anyway, like school work, and the stuff mother makes me do, like scholarships and collage.  The only reason I even get to my blogs is just because I sit at my computer, realize I deleted my Facebook account and have nothing else to do because my xbox is dead, the girl next door that I would normally ask if she wanted to hang out and go do something or play videogames with has moved across the country, the primary asset of the band lives way the hell out in Radium, and one of the other two sleeps until 5:00 (yes, P.M.) and then once he wakes up, he plays videogames on his beastly computer all day.  And the last member doesn't have a phone, and I don't like showing up to people's houses completely unexpected.  My lil sister hardly texts back, so I don't know if she's ever free or what's goin on there, and one of the only other people I'd ask only likes getting out of the house when it's with the best friend.  Sooo. . . yeah. . . In other news, I took my SAT for the second time yesterday, and I'm trying to figure out what to get a friend for her birthday party that's sometime today.  Only problem with that is: how does one get a gift for someone they hardly know? That's of the opposite gender, to throw that on top of all of it.  But when that's all said and done, and the time rolls about, I'm sure I'll have come up with something or other.

Q2)What have you learned recently? I have learned that I despise the fact that I am basically being forced to conform to this world by going to college.  Again, a story for another day and another time.  I have learned that the Hubbard's music store in this town is expensive as all hell, and I need a job next semester to be able to pay for my own dang stuff. . .  My guitarist is also going to apply with me so we can try to put more out of our own pockets to the band fund so we can get Ashley the double bass pedal, get ourselves the amps we need and hopefully some guitar stands, so we can stop using hampers. (Insert sigh here).  It's a sad day when one realizes how poor they are when they need so much to get started. . .  We also want to get a seven string, but if anything, that will come utmost last of all of our equipment, as long as we have everything for the time being to actually have practices.  Oh yeah! I also realized that the rest of this year is going to be so much of a pain that I could literally compare it to a pimple on the arse.  You know, like one of those ones that you get where it's there but also kind of not, because it's like under the skin, and you don't really realize that you have it until you scratch at it or something, and when you look to see why it hurts so much, you realize that it's one of those pimples? Yeah. . . like that. . . but on your butt. . . and in reality, instead of actually on you.

Q3) What are you planning on doing next? Well, I think I kind of technically outlined that one just a minute ago with the band and stuff. And like I have always said when it comes down to this question; it really honestly depends on what your asking about.  Today, being Sunday, of December 2nd, like I mentioned before, I get to go find a gift for someone I barely know, and attend her birthday party, hopefully not being the little outcast-emo-kid that sits in the corner because nobody else there is really into the same stuff that he's into and the only reason he's there is because she invited him, and, though he was grateful, he honestly didn't know what he was doing there and only really talks when she talks to him, and he's pretty sure the only reason she even talks to him in the first place is because he did a drawing of her that she liked.  Wish me luck! :D
 Probly could have done better.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bwainzzzz. . .

The other day, I watched a video with woman who had experienced a rupturing of a blood vessel in her head; she detailed the account, how she felt during the entire thing, and how, when she finally realized what was happening, how she felt, and how she managed to get help.  The video started and I was thinking "okay, this should be interesting," but as it continued, I thought to myself "wow, this lady sounds like the highest hippie on planet earth."  Not to sound disrespectful of her or anything, it was interesting to hear of a neurologist's own personal account of what she felt during this and how she was unable to process things with 100% of her brain.  It almost reminded me of an H.P. Lovecraft moment, the way she explained how she couldn't quite comprehend things the way they were, and more like she was experiencing herself from the outside of her body, almost.  Which almost brings us to astral projection. But that's another story. ^-^

Speaking of astral projection. . .
Gotta love these guys. And for those of you who don't know what they're supposed to be, or what they're from. (link). There's the page, gives a bit of back-story to the whole thing, but you have to scroll down to the "combine overwatch" section for what I was trying to find.